An Evening Meeting Opportunity For Emmaus Rotary Club - "The Night Shift"
When: The Third Wednesday of the Month from 5:30pm -7:30pm
Where: Triple Sun Spirits 518 Bank St. Emmaus Pa 18049
Where: Triple Sun Spirits 518 Bank St. Emmaus Pa 18049
Doors open 5:30pm. Meeting begins 6:00pm. Meeting to end by 7:30pm.
The Meeting Concept: Re-engage current members, attract new members and connect with/involve local Community Leaders in project-based planning/activities and enjoy fellowship. We are going to create a productive meeting environment: not just a happy hour. This meeting option will be offered as a Once-a-Month ADDITIONAL meeting opportunity for ERC on the third Wednesday of the month. Mornings are not for everyone due to work/school/life schedules. (AND DON'T FRET! Weekly Thursday Morning meetings aren't stopping! We like bacon and eggs too much!)
The Meeting Concept: Re-engage current members, attract new members and connect with/involve local Community Leaders in project-based planning/activities and enjoy fellowship. We are going to create a productive meeting environment: not just a happy hour. This meeting option will be offered as a Once-a-Month ADDITIONAL meeting opportunity for ERC on the third Wednesday of the month. Mornings are not for everyone due to work/school/life schedules. (AND DON'T FRET! Weekly Thursday Morning meetings aren't stopping! We like bacon and eggs too much!)
Typical Meeting Agenda: Those in attendance will work on community project planning. Some meetings will also have a guest speaker pertaining to a project or other interesting information. Some meetings may also serve as classification talks to learn about new members. Thinking of checking out a meeting? No need to have attended previously to jump in! All are welcome to learn more and get involved. Want to learn what projects are currently on deck? Visit The Emmaus Rotary Club Calendar.
The Cost: We ask that Rotarians make a $10 Cash Contribution to their Every Rotarian Every Year Rotary International Fund. First time guests are free.
Food and Drink: Food and Drinks are available for purchase.