Judges needed for our upcoming 4 Way Speech Contests:  No experience required.
Emmaus Rotary Club Speech Contest, March 19, 10 - 11 AM, Willow Lane Elementary School
North Region Rotary Speech Contest, April 2, 10 - 11 AM, Willow Lane Elementary School
Please contact Anthony Moyer if interested:  anmoyer1229@gmail.com, 610-295-7691
Our Annual 4-Way Speech Contest provides EHS students with an opportunity to share their passions and persuade others.  Participants challenge themselves and others and improve critical thinking and ethical decision making skills.  They have an opportunity to become individuals who inspire and motivate others to have a positive influence upon their friends, their community, and the world at large.  While competing in a supportive, non-threatening environment, participants will have a chance to earn significant prize money as well as recognition and awards which enhance their college resumes.  
Each participant chooses the topic of his/her speech.  The purpose of the speech is to persuade others while applying the principles of the Rotary 4-Way Test.  The issue to be addressed should be from the speaker's personal experience or general knowledge.  At least 5 volunteers are needed to staff the contest - including judges, a timekeeper, and a teller who announces the winners.