Oh Hello Emmaus Rotary Friends!
IT IS CRUNCH TIME! Our MAJOR Fundraiser for the year is just around the corner? I'm sure you've heard mention of the 15th Annual Golf Tournament, right? Have you marked your calendar for Monday, September 12th? Have you invited someone to participate? Have you scored your raffle tickets yet????
YES! Now is the time leading up to the tournament where we come together to sell these raffle tickets. Raffle tickets are ONLY $50. There are ONLY 400 to be sold. WIN CASH MONEY...$10,000 IN TOAL PRIZE MONEY.
THIS IS KIND OF A BIG DEAL! The goal for our event is $30,000. That is $30,000 that we will put to WORK in 2023/2024.
SO....how many friends can you text, call or email TODAY to help them win big? I encourage you to give 5 people the opportunity to win big this week!
HOW do I get my tickets you ask? Where do I send my friends to purchase tickets you ask? EASY! CLICK HERE or get a bunch at the next Club meeting. See Sue Wenner.
P.S. You can sign up for the tournament or the reception on our website too! We NEED golfers!!!
P.P.S Do you have an idea or a contact for a desirable silent auction package? Contact Joanne Smida!
See the good. Be the Good. Inspire the good in others!
Shine Bright Friends!
Meghan Reed
President, Emmaus Rotary Club 2022-2023