It is that time again!
First and foremost, I'd like to welcome our official 2022-2023 Directors to the Board. Ceil Birdsell, Wade George, Gary Guthrie, and Nelly Kabiru. Thank you all for accepting this important Leadership Role in Rotary. We will hold a brief Induction Ceremony during our weekly program on Thursday.
I'd like to thank Wade and Nelly for serving for another year on the Board. I'd also like to give a very big thank you John Chisca and Courtney Kennedy for serving the Board for 2021-2022 and hanging on until we held our elections. You are all greatly appreciated.
This is a friendly reminder to all that this Thursday, August 25, 2022, is our monthly Board Meeting. As normal it will be held at BCC at 8:30am following our regular Club Meeting.
All Members are welcome to attend our Board Meetings. You may attend in person or via zoom using the link below starting at 8:30am. Attending a Board Meeting is a great way for new members to learn about our Club and get a better understanding of Rotary.
Meeting ID: 827 3304 6253
Passcode: ERC1234
Thank you,
Meghan Reed
President, Emmaus Rotary 2022-2023
President, Emmaus Rotary 2022-2023