IT IS THAT TIME AGAIN!!  It's time for the Third Meeting on the Month and that means that we are having our monthly BREAKFAST SEAT SCRAMBLE.  How does this work?  When you check in at the registration table for breakfast, you will select the top “card” from the deck of playing cards (And no cheating Don).  The card you draw will determine which table you will be assigned to for that morning.  Take that card to your assigned table and leave it on the table.  The cards are in a random order.  For example if you draw a “3 of clubs”, you will sit at table #3 this week.  If you draw a “Joker”, that card is considered a wild card, designating that you are allowed to sit at any table you like!  In addition, the Joker card wins you a Million Rotary $$$dollars!!!  We will conform to this seating format for breakfast every third week of each month, until further notice.  FYI you cannot trade your seat assignment with anyone else without a FINE!
We hope you enjoy this new format and make new friends in the process.
Yours in Service
Sal Verrastro, Vice President
Editor of the Trumpet