On Thursday evening, January 31, Emmaus Rotary and the high school's Interact Club gathered for a pizza meal, a business meeting and a hands-on project to make suet cakes for the nearby Poole Wildlife Sanctuary. 
     There are currently 85 students in the Interact Club which has already totaled 400 service hours and is on track to end the school year with 800 hours. Upcoming events include participating in the District 4-Way Test Speech Contest and in Camp Neidig this June.  Emmaus Rotary thanks both Tony Moyer and Amy Kaunitz for their commitment to the Interact students.
     The suet cakes are made by combining flour, water, corn syrup and gelatin in a large bowl. Birdseed is added until the mixture becomes thick and workable by hand. Large trays are lined with wax paper and the mixture is spread out and straws are stuck in mix so that when it hardens it can be cut into 4 inch by 4 inch squares...the straw makes a hole for string to hang mix from tree branches. The mix needs several days in the tray to harden before use.