This week's Rotary meeting will be all about Fellowship Fun and Cashing in your MegaMillions! 
We've collected an assortment of festive items you can spend your well-earned millions on, and the Fellowship Committee will have some games for us to play!
This will be your last chance to spend your MegaMillions.....our next President Sal will have his own millions to give out next Rotary Year. (Sal knows a guy who prints money in the basement. It's good to know a guy...) If you can't make the meeting, try to give your millions to a friend in advance because they will expire! 
I'm looking forward to what shenanigans the Fellowship committee has in store for us! With Jean and Ceil at the helm it is sure to be a good time!
Just for silliness and extra MegaMillions earning opportunity you may want to remember that June 8th is: 
National Upsy Daisy Day - NATIONAL UPSY DAISY DAY - June 8, 2023 - National Today
National Best Friend Day! - National Best Friends Day (  -  (5 EXTRA millions will be awarded to anyone who brings their Best Friend on Thursday!)
Shine Brigt Friends!
Meghan Reed
President, Emmaus Rotary Club 2022/23