Remember to support the District Foundation and support our very own District Governor Cindy Hornaman's this Saturday at the
District 7430 Foundation Gala
“Costumes for a Cause!”
Saturday, March 23, 2019
6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Brookside County Club
Pottstown, PA
Your $50 ticket for celebrating with DG Cindy the FUN in fundraising at the Foundation Gala "Costumes for a Cause” includes dinner (choice of chicken, beef or vegetarian) and dancing. There will be opportunity to bid on silent auction baskets and participate in the 50/50 raffle. Cash bar too!
Our District 7430 is very active in support of our Foundation and also involved in many TRF International and Local grant projects, We were one of the first in our zone to do a multi year Child and Maternal Health International Vocational Training Team project
and many other international projects and in the last 2 years our clubs have done over 35 District Grant humanitarian projects to benefit those less fortunate in their local communities
Come and have fun and help support the Foundation at the same time.