We learned last month during our program about The Rotary Foundation of the importance of raising funds to support grants for local and global projects. We have seen first hand through our Feed East Penn Students Program how our club is able to make a big impact in our community. Especially in times of crisis.  
Although we have not been able to hold regular meetings we still have a goal to meet as a Club for our contribution to The Foundation. Let's rally the EREY Troops and listen to our inner Paul Harris. In fact, April 19th marks the 152nd anniversary of our Rotary Founder's birth. Celebrate with a gift to the Rotary Foundation!  
Here are some simple ways that you can participate and any amount is appreciated. 
  • Enroll in Rotary’s recurring giving program, Rotary Direct, which makes giving easy, fast, and secure. You can schedule a monthly, quarterly, or annual donation that empowers Rotarians to change lives in communities around the world.  https://my.rotary.org/en/rotary-direct
  • Make a one time contribution online - https://my.rotary.org/en/donate
  • The old fashioned way! Write a check. 
    • Make payable to:THE ROTARY FOUNDATION 
    • Mail to: Keystone Consulting Engineers. Attn. Bill Erdman. 5012 Medical Center Circle. Suite 1. Allentown, PA 18106.
If you have questions about the Rotary Foundation please Contact Bill Erdman at werdman@kceinc.com