What a week!!!  Did we make a difference in our community? I believe all of us would agree we did, and in the course of a few days we accomplished a few things: We informed the community of what Rotary is, we prepared 5000 meals, planted a number of trees, fed some important individuals at the Allentown Rescue Mission and leveraged our abilities to make a difference for some special people at the Miracle League. 
        A special thank you to some of the people that helped with this event.  Gary Guthrie and his committee did a famous job of getting this together.  From Tony Moyer and Karen Hobson on Thursday evening packaging 5000 meals for the Emmaus Food bank, to meal preparation Friday evening and serving the Allentown Rescue Mission.  Valerie, Karen and Emmaus Rotarians thank you.  John Chisca, Gary Guthrie and Emmaus Rotarians planted 11 trees at Camp Olympic.  Gary Guthrie and team cleaned up at The Hillside School making the grounds look amazing.  Last but certainly not least Bab Halsey put together a great team of Rotarians and Emmaus Interact students at The Miracle League to partner with a special group of individuals making their day a little more enjoyable.  Thank you to a great team of dedicated individuals helping out the Emmaus Community and beyond.