Dear Fellow Rotarians,
     A few weeks into the Rotary year 2020-2021 and I have come to appreciate that there are many moving parts to Rotary at all levels-- our local club, the district, and Rotary International. This should not have come as a surprise as our Rotary logo is a wheel with 6 spokes, 24 teeth, and has a keyway that guarantees it transmits power. 
     Personally, I feel like I'm on a bicycle and am standing up to gain momentum, some speed. And I don't want to lose my footing on the pedals-- slipping off them would be quite a jolt!  So I am asking you to help me while together we gain speed, balance and can get down the road gracefully.
     While we are meeting online, please picture your fellow Rotarians... with whom did you regularly sit in Brookside's dining room? who was by your side at fellowship events and service projects? whose "Happy Dollars" always made you smile? 
     Bring them to mind and then, please, reach out. I have come to see what a luxury it has been to quietly say to someone next to you at the coffee bar, "How have you been? How is your family?"
     If you haven't been in contact with someone for a while: Phone them. Text them. Send them a card. 
Our website has members' names, addresses, and phone numbers. The tech-savvy among us have downloaded the Club Runner app to their smartphones for easy access to this information.  If technology fails you, phone or email me and I will look it up for you.  
    Let's not let a global pandemic get in the way of real Rotary Fellowship.
Yours in Rotary,
Lexa Shallcross