Great vision without great people is irrelevant.
Jim Collins, Lecturer and Author of Good to Great
Part 1
Many thanks to the numerous members who wished me good luck starting out my term as your President.  I’m very fortunate that I’ve seen many good Presidents over the past almost 20 years as a member and, as presidents-elect, we went through a rigorous learning regimen that broadened our knowledge base and network for our presidential year.  And, of course, I’m hopeful that the The[ Rotary] Force will be with me!  BTW – my apologies for the inadvertent Baby Yoda blasting in the Powerpoint. She is fine. but our special effects advisor was given an indefinite time-out. 
Even though I didn’t work in the business world per se, I learned very quickly that hiring the best and brightest people was my number job as a school administrator.  I think that this also translates to what we do as a Rotary Club and fortunately we have many, many good people dedicated to Service Above Self.  However, like any good company/organization we need to constantly be looking for more good people so that we can do even more locally and globally and as I said at the club assembly last week, the first part of our FRIORE membership model is Find [Recruit, Induct, Orient, Retain/Exit] which makes us all FINDERS.  The Prospective Member Referral Form was sent to everyone this week so please complete it and give it to Courtney or Wade if you talked to someone and s/he showed some interest in possibly joining.
Part 2 -  next week’s message will be about what to specifically do and/or say when you FIND a prospective member.