Hi Friends!
Over the last year you have probably heard me go on and on about using our handy dandy ClubRunner tools to help keep ERC organized. I'm sure I didn't annoy anyone right?? I'm sure all of my enthusiastic suggestions were well received right???
Over the last year you have probably heard me go on and on about using our handy dandy ClubRunner tools to help keep ERC organized. I'm sure I didn't annoy anyone right?? I'm sure all of my enthusiastic suggestions were well received right???
Well....I'm at it again. I'm testing the waters on using the Volunteer Sign-Up feature that ClubRunner offers so that we can help make our Community Service Chair, Karen Hobson's life a little easier!
SOOOOO let's give a shot shall we....
SOOOOO let's give a shot shall we....
Past District Gov. Bob Hobaugh has asked for a helping hand from ERC Volunteers at Das Awkscht Fescht! What a fantastic way for Emmaus Rotary to get involved with a community tradition, meet lots of folks and show people how fun Rotary is! This is a BIG project for us to be a part of so let's show Bob how ERC comes through!
Here are three places you can sign up to volunteer!
First....just click this link and choose a shift : Das Awkscht Fescht Volunteer Shifts | Rotary Club of Emmaus (emmausrotary.org)
(If you would like more information about what volunteer jobs entail click the blue box under the event location information. It will take you to the full event listing)
(If you would like more information about what volunteer jobs entail click the blue box under the event location information. It will take you to the full event listing)
Second....visit the event listing on our website calendar. Here is the link so it's handy: EMMAUS ROTARY DAS AWKSCHT FESCHT VOLUNTEER | Rotary Club of Emmaus. There is a blue box on the left side of the screen where you can register. When you click that box, it takes you to the sign-up page.
Third....We aren't doing away with old school methods....you can always sign up in person with Karen at a meeting.
Need help? Just ask! I'm always happy to help you!
Shine Bright!
Meghan Reed
President, Emmaus Rotary Club 2022/23